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Project Roadmap and plans.

As Codium Vita strides into the future, it aspires not merely to shape a narrative but to sculpt a legacy, echoing the profound importance of harmonizing with nature for generations yet to unfold.


Planting Trees:

- After the drop of our Codium Vita NFT collection ends, we will donate funds to plant a tree for every NFT purchased, showing our commitment to positive change.
- Our community will vote on Discord to decide where the donations go. We’re partnering with One Tree Planted and Trees For The Future, with the potential for more organizations to be added. This initiative supports nature protection and strengthens our community.

Board Game:

- Randomly chosen 3 lucky collectors holding any NFT featured in this collection will be selected at random to be awarded exclusive Codium Vita boardgame delivered to their doorstep.
- Your NFTs must be in your wallet by the snapshot date (30 days after the drop end)
• Primary and secondary purchases are eligible


Gift Card Merch:

- Randomly chosen 7 lucky collectors holding any NFT featured in this collection will be selected at random to be awarded exclusive Gift Card enabling them to choose from a range of fully printed Codium Vita merchandise and elevate their collection and style from our shop.

- Your NFTs must be in your wallet by the snapshot date (30 days after the drop end)

- Primary and secondary purchases are eligible

Signed Print:

- Randomly chosen 6 lucky collectors holding any NFT featured in this collection will be selected at random to be awarded exclusive prints signed by artists.

- Your NFTs must be in your wallet by the snapshot date (30 days after the drop end)

- Primary and secondary purchases are eligible


Codium Vita Key:

- Randomly 7 chosen that own at least 2 NFTs from Codium Vita collection in order to receive an edition of (Codium Vita Key) airdropped to your wallet.
- Your NFTs must be in your wallet by the snapshot date (30 days after the drop end) • Primary and secondary purchases are eligible

Codium Vita Tree:

- Randomly 17 chosen that own at least 3 NFTs from Codium Vita collection in order to receive an edition of (Codium Vita Tree) airdropped to your wallet.
- Your NFTs must be in your wallet by the snapshot date (30 days after the drop end)
- Primary and secondary purchases are eligible


Codium Vita Wizard:

- Randomly 1 chosen that own at least one NFT from every scenarios (in total 5 or more scenarios) from Codium Vita collection in order to receive an edition of (Codium Vita Wizard) airdropped to your wallet.
- Your NFTs must be in your wallet by the snapshot date (30 days after the drop end)
- Primary and secondary purchases are eligible

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